About the conference

Thank you all for taking part in AGM 2024, for the quality of the presentations and discussions, and for the good atmosphere.

It was a pleasure to welcome you to Grenoble.
We hope everyone has returned home safely.

We hope to see you soon.



Welcome to the 27th Alpine Glaciology Meeting!

The 27th AGM will be held in Grenoble on 14 and 15 March 2024. The AGM is organized every year in one of the Alps main city (Zurich, Munich, Milan, Innsbruck, Grenoble). The goal of the meeting is to foster rich exchanges about glacier related research. Early career scientists are highly encouraged to participate, and the inscription at the conference is free of charge.

The meeting will take place in the campus of University Grenoble Alpes, in the MaCI building (check the Venue page for more details).

Besides two classical contribution formats (oral or poster), we would introduce a novel format named Two points of view. For the later, the idea is to team up with a colleague to present two opposite points of view on a question. For instance, a possible topic could be “empirical or physical glacier melt models?”. In this case, one participant would promote the empirical models and the other one the physical models based on literature references during five minute each. This is a good opportunity to review the state of knowledge of a specific domain, and early career scientists are highly encouraged to contribute. The discussion is supposed to bring opposite arguments, but don’t forget that it should be interesting and pleasant to hear, so team up with a colleague you get along well. If you have questions about this presentation format, please reach out to Amaury Dehecq.

Important dates:

  • 01/02/2024: abstract submission deadline (extension until 07/02/2024)
  • 15/02/2024: registration deadline


2024/03/12: please upload your talks by the end of the day before your scheduled slot

2024/03/12: updated scientific program posted! please check it for poster # etc

**You can also attend the AGM_2024 on Zoom***:


2024/02/22: scientific program is now online on AGM website (menu on the left)

2024/01/24: second announcement of the 27th AGM on cryolist

2023/11/20: first announcement of the 27th AGM on cryolist

Scientific committee

Delphine Six, Marion Réveillet, Antoine Rabatel, Amaury Dehecq, Fanny Brun, Nicolas Champollion, Adina Racoviteanu

Mylène Bonnefoy, Emmanuel Thibert, Julien Brondex, Patrick Wagnon,  Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Jean Emmanuel Sicart, Thomas Condom

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